
Swedish Pancakes 4.0

This recipe has been on the web since 1997. It’s easy, delicious and very popular. Give it a try, you won’t regret it.

Augusta Siden min mormorsmor

“This is the most sensational food I’ve ever tasted.”

– Augusta Sidén

Swedish Pancakes

This recipe is for 4 persons

You need this

  • 8 deciliters (0.8 litre) of fresh milk
  • 4 deciliters (0.4 litre) of wheat flour
  • 4 nice and fresh eggs
  • 1 teaspoon of salt
  • Butter or Margarine

This is what you do

Take out a rather big bowl and mix milk, flour and eggs together while beating it all with a whisk until evenly distributed. Then melt about 3 tablespoons of butter or margarine, preferably in a flat frying pan with a diameter of approximately 20 cm (0.2 metres).

Add, while beating, the melted butter and salt to taste (about 1 teaspoon should be enough).

Now focus on the flat frying pan in which you melted the butter a short while ago. It should be rather hot. Add just enough butter to cover the flat surface. The butter should instantly start melting and making noise. If not, wait until it does.

Stir a bit in the bowl with the Swedish Pancake mixture so that the flour that has sunken to the bottom gets evenly distributed again.

Put about one small cup of mixture in the frying pan. The amount very much depends on the size of your cups and your frying pan. The pancakes should be really thin, the mixture should only just cover the surface, pretty much like crepes if those are familiar to you.

Let the pancake fry until it starts to get dry on the unfried side. This should not take more than a minute or two. Take a look at the fried side by lifting the pancake’s edge a little bit with a tool of your choice (the tool of my choice would be a thin, stainless steel, spatula with a wooden handle). If it is golden brown, turn the pancake over and let it fry on the other side as well.

When both sides have been fried to a golden brown colour, your first Swedish Pancake is done and you should remove it from the frying pan to prevent it from getting burnt.

Repeat the steps until you run out of Swedish Pancake mixture.

How To Eat Swedish Pancakes

Set a table for 4 persons. If you are more than that you have to make more Swedish Pancakes. Add in proportion to the recipe above.

Use dinner plates, knifes and forks.

The only drink possible with Swedish Pancakes is milk.

The Swedish Pancakes should be eaten together with either the jam or fruit preserve of your choice or ice cream – or both. The rules are not strict here. The important thing is that you like it. Basically it should be sweet and rather unhealthy. Below is a list of suggestions based on what is most common in Sweden. Use them, combine them or pick something of your own choice.

A list of suggestions

Lingonberry jam
Preserve or jam of any berries
Sugar or syrup
Butter (possibly with some cinnamon in it)
Ice cream
Whipped cream

Known Problems

Basically all problems with Swedish Pancakes can be narrowed down to the word “timing”. The fact that it takes quite some time to prepare them causes a lot of conflicts related to the actual production.

How do I keep the family members calm during the production process?

Tell them to clean up the mess you have caused in the kitchen.

How do I stop myself from eating the pancakes straight away?

Don’t. The person making the pancakes, but only this person, automatically has the right to eat pancakes at the stove.

How do I stop others from eating the pancakes straight away?

Tell those who are not cleaning up the mess you caused in the kitchen to set the table.

I can’t find lingonberry jam in my local supermarket.

Perhaps they are not called lingonberries in your supermarket. According to a visitor (thanks Mikael) they could also be called mountain cranberry, red whortleberry, or cowberry.